FACEBOOK message from Brima James Kabia 1st December

Links between Olney, England and Newton, Sierra Leone
FACEBOOK message from Brima James Kabia 1st December
Hi friends, the results of the two women who were brought into the ebola holding center in Newton are out. One of the woman from the New motor road Newton is positive of the ebola virus. You prayer support for courage , strength, and healing is highly solicited. God richly bless you as you do. |
This is a very interesting and detailed article on How the Ebola virus was spread:
Friday 20th November. BOOK THIS DATE in your diary for an evening of friendly challenging questions, with supper!
We also have supporters who undertook challenges which can be supported via Virgin Money Giving!
Marilyn Watkins on 16 August 2015 as a personal challenge. My challenge was Zip Wire My event happened in Gwynedd
Marilyn says: I did this to fundraise for the Olney-Newton Link, which is a charity based in the town where I live and is helping improve the lives and opportunities of the people who live in Newton, Sierra Leone. Money raised in the past has built houses to replace those destroyed by the Civil War and a skills centre to teach new skills such as computing to young adults.
The school where I work is linked with a school in Newton and in 2010 I was fortunate enough to visit Sierre Leone with two other teachers. We took resources such as sports equipment and reading books with us and taught the children about the UK.
The charity is currently focusing on fundraising to build a pre-school/daycare building for the child survivors of the Ebola outbreak, as many children have lost parents. This will provide day care for children who would otherwise not be able to go to school.
My page: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MarilynWatkins
Paul Pickard ran in the 2015 Yorkshire Marathon on 11 October 2015
Paul says: The Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon has quickly established itself as one of the highlights of the White Rose County’s sporting year. This popular and picturesque run – flatter and faster than London, Paris, Chicago and Berlin – takes participants past some of York’s splendid historic sites and along scenic country lanes, making it an attractive prospect for runners of all abilities.
Since we visited Sierra Leone just over a year ago the country has suffered terribly at the hands of the ebola virus. Whilst the number of cases has been dropping people are still suffering the consequences of this terrible disease. The Olney-Newton link has worked for some years to bring real improvements to the lives of people in Newton. Now they are fundraising to build a pre-school centre for those children who have been orphaned by the disease. Anything I raise will go to make a real difference to some of these children in one of the world’s poorest countries.
My page: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/PaulPickard1
The Olney committee wish to thank everyone who has contributed support as referred to in this letter.
EMAIL: abubakarrf@gmail.com
16 November2014.
The chairperson,
Olney/Newton link Committee
United Kingdom U.K
Dear Madam,
Appreciation of Ebola Help
I write on behalf of the above named committee and the Ebola affected victims of Newton who have received tremendous assistant from the Oley/Newton Link committee in the UK.
The people of Newton wishes to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation for all that you have done for them over the past few months since the outbreak of the Ebola virus diseases. The Ebola victims of Newton have received buckets and sanitizer for hand washing, the provision of food to vulnerable quarantine homes, used clothing for children affected directly and indirectly from the virus and the financial help given to the Newton Health center. Ebola virus diseases have deprived many homes in the community. It has also left many children homeless, hopeless and deprived without parent or guardians that will take care of their welfare. Some of these children are under age, some are in the primary and secondary schools, while others are in tertiary learning Institutions. In fact as of writing you Madam, some of these victims barely survive to get food, while some go to bed hungry. The most precarious situation right now is the level of stigmatization faced by their extended families, members of the community and children’s play mates in way of social exclusion, discrimination and marginalization. The situation lying ahead of Ebola victims is still challenging and needs robust action to find a remedy.
However, the link here in Sierra Leone will continue to facilitate and do all what it could to provide you with the necessary information for further humanitarian consideration. Once more on behalf of the people of NEWTON I want to thank you very much and to all those who have contributed in diverse ways and means in helping the people of newton. May God richly bless you all.
Attached is a copy of a comprehensive report on the activities and update of the link. [This is a very comprehensive report for the Olney-Newton Link Trustees to consider!]
I beg to remain,
Yours faithfully,
Abubakarr Fofanah
Further NHS Volunteers on way to Sierra Leone. Click the link below:
News story: NHS volunteers prepare to head to Sierra Leone to join Ebola response team
The WHO has issued a procedure for dignified burials. Reading this gives some idea of the complicated procedures needed to cope with the Ebola virus.
We have received via our local Member of Parliament a copy of the question posed in parliament on Ebola. click on the link:
Ebola Adjournment
We have today, 6th November, received progress photographs of the toilet block being constructed near Newton Junction. The contractor lost 8 of his family through Ebola, returned to his community and became himself quarantined. This has delayed construction and a new contractor is being brought on board. We are anxious to complete these toilets as part of the battle for hygiene and the elimination of the ebola virus. The photos were taken by James Kabia and sent via WhatsApp, so quality of them is poor.